Sylvain ALLANO has obtained a PhD in electronics and a State Doctorate in physical sciences. He was university professor and director of a research unit in information and energy technologies (SATIE).
He was Chief Scientific Officer of the french automotive group PSA and co-founded start-ups. He is currently Chief Scientific Officer of the FLYING WHALES company that designs and develops a cargo airship.
FLYING WHALES : www.flying-whales.com
FLYING WHALES is a start-up founded by Sébastien Bougon in September 2012, with the aim of building and operating rigid-structure airships. Future cargo airships are intended for transporting heavy or indivisible loads.
Originally, the company was created to enable French the Forest National Office, to expand its area of forest exploitation, particularly those that are difficult to access or far from any infrastructure.
To carry out this aeronautical project, FLYING WHALES has built a consortium of around thirty companies, which includes Industrial Groups, medium-size and small-size companies and research centers.