Renewable Energies

In the research field of regenerative energy generation, new materials for solar thermal energy, photovoltaics and photochemical conversion of solar energy are developed in an application-oriented manner. Furthermore, printing processes of various photovoltaic technologies and ageing procedures are developed. Currently, the worldwide unique printing competence center for photovoltaics is established in pioneering work.


Project coordination

Prof. Dr. Christoph Brabec

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg / Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology

Research Areas

Video Printed Photovoltaik


J. Hepp, A. Vetter, S. Langner, M. Woiton, G. Jovicic, K. Burlafinger, J.A. Hauch, C. Camus, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Infrared absorption imaging of water ingress into the encapsulation of (opto-)electronic devices”, IEEE J. Photovolt. (2018) Link

S. Englisch, J. Wirth, N. Schrenker, K. C. Tam, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C. J. Brabec, E. Spiecker, “Mechanical Failure of Transparent Flexible Silver Nanowire Networks for Solar Cells using 3D X-Ray Nano Tomography and Electron Microscopy”, Microsc. Microanal.24 (2018) 558-559 

S. Mashhoun, Y. Hou, H. Chen, F. Tajabadi, N. Taghavinia, H.‐J. Egelhaaf, C. J. Brabec, “Resolving a Critical Instability in Perovskite Solar Cells by Designing a Scalable and Printable Carbon Based Electrode‐Interface Architecture”, Adv. Energy Mater. (2018) 1802085, Link

S. Strohm, F. Machui, P. Kubis, N. Gasparini, M. Salvador, I. McCulloch, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, „P3HT: Non-Fullerene Acceptor based large area, semi-transparent PV modules with power conversion efficiencies of 5%, processed by industrially scalable methods“, Energy & Environmental Science (2018), Link

A. Früh, H.-J. Egelhaaf, H. Hintz, D. Quinones, C.J. Brabec, H. Peisert, H.-J. Egelhaaf, “PMMA as an effective protection layer against the oxidation of P3HT and MDMO-PPV by ozone“, J. Mater. Res.33 (2018) 1891-1901 Link

P. Maisch, K.C. Tam, P. Schilinsky, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Shy Organic Photovoltaics: Digitally Printed Organic Solar Modules With Hidden Interconnects“, Solar RRL (2018) 1800005, Link

Nicola Gasparini, Michael Salvador, Thomas Heumueller, Moses Richter, Andrej Classen, Shreetu Shrestha, Gebhard J Matt, Sarah Holliday, Sebastian Strohm, Hans‐Joachim Egelhaaf, Andrew Wadsworth, Derya Baran, Iain McCulloch, Christoph J Brabec, “Polymer:Nonfullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells with Exceptionally Low Recombination Rates”, Adv. Energy Mater. (2017), Link

N. Gasparini, M. Salvador, S. Strohm, T. Heumueller, I. Levchuk, A. Wadsworth, J. H. Bannock, J. C de Mello, H.‐J. Egelhaaf, D. Baran, I. McCulloch, C.J. Brabec, “Burn-in Free Nonfullerene-Based Organic Solar Cells”, Adv. Energy Mater. (2017), Link

N. Gasparini, L. Lucera, M. Salvador, M. Prosa, G. D. Spyropoulos, P. Kubis, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J Brabec, T. Ameri, “High-performance ternary organic solar cells with thick active layer exceeding 11% efficiency”, Energy Environ. Sci.10 (2017) 885-892 Link

S. A. Dowland, M. Salvador, J. Dario Perea, N. Gasparini, S. Langner, S. Rajoelson, H. H. Ramanitra, B.D. Lindner, A. Osvet, C.J. Brabec, R.C. Hiorns, H.-J. Egelhaaf, “Suppression of Thermally Induced Fullerene Aggregation in Polyfullerene-Based Multiacceptor Organic Solar Cells”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces9 (2017) 10971-10982 

L. Lucera, F. Machui, H.D. Schmidt, T. Ahmad, P. Kubis, S. Strohm, J. Hepp, A. Vetter, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Printed semi-transparent large area organic photovoltaic modules with power conversion efficiencies of close to 5%”, Org. Electronics45 (2017) 209-214

M. Salvador, N. Gasparini, J. Darío Perea, A. Distler, S. Paleti, L. Inasaridze, P.A. Troshin, L. Lüer, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Suppressing photooxidation of conjugated polymers and their blends with fullerenes through nickel chelates”, Energy Environ. Sci. (2017), Link

T. Heumueller, W.R. Mateker, A. Distler, U. F. Fritze, R. Cheacharoen, W. H. Nguyen, M. Biele, M. Salvador, M. von Delius, H.-J. Egelhaaf, M.D. McGehee, C.J. Brabec, “Morphological and electrical control of fullerene dimerization determines organic photovoltaic stability”, Energy Environ. Sci.9 (2016) 247-256

L. Lucera, F. Machui, P. Kubis, H. D. Schmidt, J. Adams, S. Strohm, T. Ahmad, K. Forberich, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C. J. Brabec, „Highly efficient, large area, roll coated flexible and rigid OPV modules with geometric fill factors up to 98.5% processed with commercially available materials”, Energy Environ. Sci.9 (2016) 89-94

A. Solodovnyk, C. Kick, A. Osvet, H.‐J. Egelhaaf, E. Stern, M. Batentschuk, K. Forberich, C. J. Brabec, "Optimization of Solution-Processed Luminescent Down-Shifting Layers for Photovoltaics by Customizing Organic Dye Based Thick Films", Energy Technology4 (2016) 385–392

T. Uekert, A. Solodovnyk, S. Ponomarenko, A. Osvet, I. Levchuk, J. Gast, M. Batentschuk, K. Forberich, E. Stern, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Nanostructured organosilicon luminophores in highly efficient luminescent down-shifting layers for thin film photovoltaics”, Sol.En.Mater.Sol.Cells155 (2016) 1-8

A. Tournebize, M. Seck, A. Vincze, A. Distler, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, A. Rivaton, H. Peisert, Th. Chassé, "Photodegradation of Si-PCPDTBT:PCBM active layer for organic solar cells applications: a surface and bulk investigation." Sol.En.Mater.Sol.Cells155 (2016) 323-330

G. D. Spyropoulos, C.O. Ramirez Quiroz, Y. Hou, N. Gasparini, M. Salvador, P. Schweizer, J. Adams, P. Kubis, Ning Li, E. Spiecker, T. Ameri, H.-J. Egelhaaf,C.J. Brabec, “Laminating the top electrode of organic and perovskite solar cells and modules: a paradigm change in the production of organic electronics”, Energy Environ. Sci.9 (2016) 2302-2313

Ph. Maisch, K.C. Tam, L. Lucera, H.-J. Egelhaaf, H. Scheiber, E. Maier, C.J. Brabec, “Inkjet printed silver nanowire percolation networks as electrodes for highly efficient semitransparent organic solar cells”, Org. El.38 (2016) 139-143

H. H. Ramanitra, S. Dowland, B. Bregadiolli, M. Salvador, H. Santos Silva, D. Begue, C. F. O. Graeff, H. Peisert, T. Chassé, S. Rajoelson, A. Osvet, C. J. Brabec, H.-J. Egelhaaf, G. E. Morse, A. Distler, R. C. Hiorns, “Increased thermal stabilization of polymer photovoltaic cells with oligomeric PCBM”, J. Mater. Chem. C4 (2016) 8121

 J. Hepp, F. Machui, H.‐J. Egelhaaf, C. J. Brabec, A. Vetter, “Automatized analysis of IR‐images of photovoltaic modules and its use for quality control of solar cells”, En. Sci. & Eng.4 (2016) 363 – 371

L. Viani, A. Minoia, J. Cornil, D. Beljonne, H.-J. Egelhaaf, J. Gierschner, “Resonant Energy Transport in Dye-Filled Monolithic Crystals of Zeolite L: Modeling of Inhomogeneity”, J. Phys. Chem. C120 (2016) 27192-27199

S. Karuthedath, T. Sauermann, H.-J. Egelhaaf, R. Wannemacher, C.J. Brabec, L. Lüer, “The effect of oxygen induced degradation on charge carrier dynamics in P3HT:PCBM and Si-PCPDTBT:PCBM thin films and solar cells”, J. Mater. Chem. A3 (2015) 3399-3408, Link

 L. Lucera, P. Kubis, F.W. Fecher, C. Bronnbauer, M. Turbiez, K. Forberich, T. Ameri, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Guidelines for closing the efficiency gap between hero cells and R2R printed modules”, Energy Technologies3 (2015) 373-384

Aygül, U.,  Egelhaaf, H.-J., Nagel, P., Merz, M., Schuppler, S., Eichele, K., Peisert, H., Chasse, T.,  “Photodegradation of C-PCPDTBT and Si-PCPDTBT: Influence of the Bridging Atom on the Stability of a Low-Band-Gap Polymer for Solar Cell Application”, ChemPhysChem16 (2015) 428-435

U. Dettinger, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, F. Latteyer, H. Peisert, T. Chassé, “FTIR Study of the Impact of PC[60]BM on the Photodegradation of the Low Band Gap Polymer PCPDTBT under O2 Environment”, Chem. Mater.27 (2015) 2299-2308

J. Adams, M. Salvador, L. Lucera, S. Langner, G.D. Spyropoulos, F.W. Fecher, M.M. Voigt, S. A. Dowland, A. Osvet, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C.J. Brabec, “Water Ingress in Encapsulated Inverted Organic Solar Cells: Correlating Infrared Imaging and Photovoltaic Performance”, Adv. En. Mater.5 (2015) 1501065

 J. Kolomanska, P. Johnston, A. Gregori, I. F. Dominguez, H.-J. Egelhaaf, S. Perrier, A. Rivaton, Ch. Dagron-Lartigau, and P.D. Topham, “Design, synthesis and thermal behaviour of a series of well-defined clickable and triggerable sulfonate polymers”, RSC Adv.5 (2015) 66554

S. Berny, N. Blouin, A. Distler, H.-J. Egelhaaf, M. Krompiec, A. Lohr, O.R. Lozman, G. E. Morse, L. Nanson, A. Pron, T. Sauermann, N. Seidler, S. Tierney, P. Tiwana, M. Wagner, H. Wilson, “Solar Trees: First Large-Scale Demonstration of Fully Solution Coated, Semitransparent, Flexible Organic Photovoltaic Modules”, Adv. Sci. (2015) 1500342

A. Distler, T. Sauermann, H.-J. Egelhaaf, S. Rodman, D. Waller, K.-S. Cheon, M. Lee, D.M. Guldi, "The Effect of PCBM Dimerization on the Performance of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells", Adv. Energy Mater.4 (2014) 1300693

B. van der Wiel, H.-J. Egelhaaf, H. Issa, M. Roos, N. Henze, "Market Readiness of Organic Photovoltaics for Building Integration", MRS Proceedings1639 (2014), Link

G. GranciniM. De BastianiN. MartinoD. Fazzi,H.-J. Egelhaaf,T. Sauermann,M. R. Antognazza,G. Lanzani,M. Caironi,L. Franco, A. Petrozza, "The critical role of interfacial dynamics in the stability of organic photovoltaic devices", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.16 (2014) 8294-8300

X. Wang, H.-J. Egelhaaf, H.-G. Mack, H. Azimi, C.J. Brabec, A.J. Meixner, D. Zhang, “Morphology Related Photodegradation of Low-Band-Gap Polymer Blends“, Adv. Energy Mater.4 (2014) art. no.1400497

Madsen, M.V.Gevorgyan, S.A.Pacios, R.Ajuria, J.Etxebarria, I.Kettle, J.Bristow, N.D.Neophytou, M.Choulis, S.A.Stolz Roman, L.Yohannes, T.Cester, A.Cheng, P.Zhan, X.Wu, J.Xie, Z.Tu, W.-C.He, J.-H.Fell, C.J.Anderson, K.Hermenau, M.Bartesaghi, D.Jan Anton Koster, L.Machui, F.González-Valls, I.Lira-Cantu, M.Khlyabich, P.P.Thompson, B.C.Gupta, R.Shanmugam, K.Kulkarni, G.U.Galagan, Y.Urbina, A.Abad, J.Roesch, R.Hoppe, H.Morvillo, P.Bobeico, E.Panaitescu, E.Menon, L.Luo, Q.Wu, Z.Ma, C.Hambarian, A.Melikyan, V.Hambsch, M.Burn, P.L.Meredith, P.Rath, T.Dunst, S.Trimmel, G.Bardizza, G.Müllejans, H.Goryachev, A.E.Misra, R.K.Katz, E.A.Takagi, K.Magaino, S.Saito, H.Aoki, D.Sommeling, P.M.Kroon, J.M.Vangerven, T.Manca, J.Kesters, J.Maes, W.Bobkova, O.D.Trukhanov, V.A.Paraschuk, D.Y.Castro, F.A.Blakesley, J.Tuladhar, S.M.Alexander Röhr, J.Nelson, J.Xia, J.Parlak, E.A.Tumay, T.A.Egelhaaf, H.-J.Tanenbaum, D.M.Mae Ferguson, G.Carpenter, R.Chen, H.Zimmermann, B.Hirsch, L.Wantz, G.Sun, Z.Singh, P.Bapat, C.Offermans, T.Krebs, F.C., “Worldwide outdoor round robin study of organic photovoltaic devices and modules”, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells130 (2014) 281-290

Grancini, G.; Maiuri, M.; Fazzi, D.; Petrozza, A.; Egelhaaf, H.-J.; Brida, D.; Cerullo, G.; Lanzani, G., "Hot exciton dissociation in polymer solar cells", Nature Materials12(2013) 29-33

Aygül, Umut; Hintz, Holger; Egelhaaf, Hans-Joachim; Distler, Andreas; Abb, Sabine; Peisert, Heiko; Chassé, Thomas, "Energy Level Alignment of a P3HT/Fullerene Blend During the Initial Steps of Degradation", J.Phys.Chem. C117 (2013) 4992-4998

 M. Koppe, H.-J. Egelhaaf, E. Clodic, M. Morana, L. Lüer, A. Troeger, V. Sgobba, D.M. Guldi, T. Ameri, C.J. Brabec, "Charge carrier dynamics in a ternary bulk heterojunction system consisting of P3HT, fullerene, and a low bandgap polymer", Adv. Energy Mater.3 (2013) 949-958

Löslein, H.Ameri, T. , Matt, G.J.Koppe, M.Egelhaaf, H.-J.Troeger, A.Sgobba, V.Guldi, D.M.Brabec, C.J., “Transient absorption spectroscopy studies on polythiophene-fullerene bulk heterojunction organic blend films sensitized with a low-bandgap polymer”, Macromol. Rapid Comm.34 (2013) 1090-1097

Gierschner, J.Lüer, L.Milián-Medina, B.Oelkrug, D.Egelhaaf, H.-J., “Highly emissive H-aggregates or aggregation-induced emission quenching? The photophysics of all-trans para-distyrylbenzene”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.4 (2013) 2686-2697



Project Managers
