Dr. Lars Schewe
Lecturer in Operational Research
University of Edinburgh / School of Mathematics
Liers Frauke, Schewe Lars, Thürauf Johannes (2021)
Informs Journal on Computing
Schewe Lars, Schmidt Martin, Weninger Dieter (2020)
Operations Research Letters
Grübel Julia, Kleinert Thomas, Krebs Vanessa, Orlinskaya Galina, Schewe Lars, Schmidt Martin, Thürauf Johannes (2020)
Computers & Operations Research
Robert Burlacu, Herbert Egger, Martin Groß, Alexander Martin, Marc E. Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Mathias Sirvent, Martin Skutella (2019)
Optimization and Engineering
Grimm V, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2019)
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Computational Optimization and Applications
European Journal of Operational Research
Grimm V, Orlinskaya G, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2019)
Robert Burlacu, Björn Geiβler, Lars Schewe (2019)
Optimization Methods & Software
Schewe Lars, Schmidt Martin, Thürauf Johannes (2019)
4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research
Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt (2019)
Central European Journal of Operations Research
Kufner T., Leugering G., Martin A., Medgenberg J., Schelbert J., Schewe L., Stingl M., Strohmeyer C., Walther M. (2019)
Optimization and Engineering
Hiller Benjamin, Koch Thorsten, Schewe Lars, Schwarz Robert, Schweiger Jonas (2018)
European Journal of Operational Research
Mathematical Programming Computation
Informs Journal on Computing
European Journal of Operational Research
SIAM Journal on Optimization
European Journal of Operational Research
Gas und Wasserfach, Gas, Erdgas
Computers & Chemical Engineering
Optimization Methods & Software
Facets of Combinatorial Optimization: Festschrift for Martin Grötschel
Optimization Methods & Software
Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications
Chemie Ingenieur Technik
Experimental Mathematics
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2011
Discrete & Computational Geometry
Networks and Heterogeneous Media
European Journal of Combinatorics
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées