HySTOC - Project
How to fuel a hydrogen fuelling station?
As part of the HySTOC project, the complete hydrogen logistics up to the use at the filling station is being researched. Central components are liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), which are characterized by high hydrogen capacities, low transport costs and high safety.
In the course of the project, the various stages of the transport chain will be extensively tested and optimised under everyday conditions. This optimization aims at high cost efficiency and high hydrogen quality at the same time.
The five European project partners contribute their expertise along the process chain as follows:

The researchers of the Chair of Chemical Reaction Engineering (at the Energy Campus) and the staff of the Finnish research company VTT are working on the fundamentals of process and measurement technology. The project partners Hydrogenious Technologies and HyGear, on the other hand, are concerned with the technical implementation of the storage facilities. At the end of the transport chain, Woikoski is the operator of the hydrogen filling station, which will be operated commercially in Voikoski, Finland.
Learn more on the website of the HySTOC-Project.