Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ivana Mladenovic

Über die Person
In Forschung und Lehre kooperiert die Fakultät für Elektrotechnik Feinwerktechnik und Informationstechnik mit vielen Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen, mit der Industrie und – nicht zuletzt im Rahmen der Forschungsverbünde NCT und EnCn - mit starken Partnern der Region.
2007 - 2013: Ph.D. an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dissertation: Determination of the Remaining Lifetime of Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cables based on the Diagnostics of Partial Discharges and the Dissipation Factor
2012: EEIM John Neil Award: Performance, Reliability & Remaining Lifetime Estimation of MV PILC Cables
Forschungstätigkeit und Projektleitung an der FAU
2013 - 2015: Systemintegration intelligenter Betriebsmittel und Komponenten in elektrische Netze, Diagnose von elektrischen Betriebsmitteln und Isolationssystemen
2015 - 2021: Senior Key Expert der Siemens AG – Corporate Technology (CT), TH-Nürnberg Berufung
seit 2021: Lehrgebiet „Elektrische Energiespeicher für intelligente Netze und Elektromobilität"
Untersuchungen zu Second-Life Anwendungen von Batteriespeichersystemen sowie Entwicklung und Erprobung von Methoden für deren Zustandsästimation
Modellierung und Simulation von Batteriespeichersystemen
Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Konzepten für einen technischorientierten Betrieb zum wirtschaftlichen Asset-Management moderner Verteilnetze
Entwicklung von Methoden und Systemen für die diagnostische Überwachung von Betriebsmitteln in elektrischen Netzen
Zapf, T. Blenk, A. Müller, H. Pengg, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Lifetime Assessment of PILC Cables with Regard to Thermal Aging Based on a Medium Voltage Distribution Network Benchmark and Representative Load Scenarios in the Course of the Expansion of Distributed Energy Resources, “Smart Grids and Microgrids” Chapter in Energies 2021, 14, 494. doi.org/10.3390/en14020494
Blenk, T. Hertlein, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Flexibilisierung der Netznutzung und netzorientierter Lastausgleich durch Clusterbildung und automatisierte Energiecluster-Services, ETG-Kongress, May 18.-19., Wuppertal, 2021
Blenk, Ch. Weindl, T. Hertlein, A. Bauer, I. Mladenovic: Load Control through Asset Management based on Incentive Regulation, International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (IEEE - CDEE Diagnostika), Pilsen, 2020, Czech Republic
Timo-Alexander Hertlein, Ivana Mladenovic, Christian Weindl, Tobias Blenk: Structural function and operation of a cluster-based energy management system, IEEE PESS 2019, Magdeburg
Blenk, Ch. Weindl, A. Bauer, I. Mladenovic: Market-driven flexibility of grid usage and network-oriented load balancing, 2018 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (IEEE – CDEE), September 4.-7., 2018, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Wolter, D.; Zdrallek, M.; Schacherer, C.; Mladenovic, I.: Topological Adjustment of Distribution Grids based on Grid Performance Indicators for improved Planning and Operation, 2018 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition April 2018, Denver
Tobias Blenk, Christian Weindl, Timo-Alexander Hertlein, Ivana Mladenovic: Markgesteuerte Flexibilisierung der Netznutzung und netzorientierter Lastausgleich, RetCon 2018
Daniel Wolter, Markus Zdrallek, Martin Biller, Johann Jäger, Christian Schacherer, Ivana Mladenovic: Einfluss vermaschter Topologiekonzepte auf die Netzplanung unter Berücksichtigung der Schutzkoordination, 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.-16.02.2018, Graz/Austria
Daniel Wolter, Markus Zdrallek, Marcus Stötzel, Christian Schacherer, Ivana Mladenovic, Martin Biller: Impact of meshed grid topologies on distribution grid planning and operation, Congrès international des Réseaux électriques de Distribution 2017 - CIRED 2017, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 12-15 June 2017
Friedmann Eppelein, Christian Weindl, Ivana Mladenovic: Analysis and evaluation of dielectric parameters for design verification and calibration of an newly developed diagnostic system for MV power cables, Congrès international des Réseaux électriques de Distribution 2017 - CIRED 2017, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 12-15 June 2017
Biller, J. Jäger, D. Wolter, I. Mladenovic, C. Schacherer: „New Fault Location Method in Closed Ring Structures with Inter-Infeeds of Distributed Generators“, GeorgiaTech Conference - Protective Relaying Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 03.-05. Mai 2017
Daniel Wolter, Fabian Möhrke, Markus Zdrallek, Christian Schacherer, Ivana Mladenovic, Martin Biller, Johann Jäger: Bewertung des Potentials von Mittelspannungs-Verteilungsnetzkupplungen zum stabilen Netzbetrieb und zur Entlastung von Hochspannungsnetzen, Konferenz Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien – OTTI, Berlin, 31. Januar – 01. Februar 2017
Mladenovic, Th. Werner: Modern Power Grids - Online State Estimation and Diagnosis of Electrical Power Systems & Components, Power Engineering International, Juli, 2016
Biller; J. Jäger, I. Mladenovic, C. Schacherer; D. Wolter; M. Stötzel: „Schutz im Verteilnetz unter Berücksichtigung veränderlicher Kurzschlussleistungen“, 9. ETG/FNN-Tutorial – Schutz- und Leittechnik 2016, Berlin, 23.-24. Februar 2016
Biller, J. Jaeger, I. Mladenovic, C. Schacherer, D. Wolter, M. Stoetzel: “Protection Systems in Distribution Grids with Variable Short-Circuit Conditions”, The 13th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 7-10 March 2016
WeindI, I. Mladenovic*, Th. Scharrer: Empirical Determination of the Remaining Lifetime through Artificial Ageing of Power System Components - Example PILC, INMR World Congress in Munich, 18. – 21. Oktober 2015
Ivana Mladenovic, Christian Weindl, Thomas Scharrer: Essential Strategies for the Remaining Lifetime Estimation of MV Cable Systems, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France, 15.-18. June 2015
Matthias Luther, Ivana Mladenovic, Christian Weindl, Rainer Schmidt: Analysis of Low Voltage Networks with High Distributed Power Generation, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France, 15.-18. June 2015
Scharrer, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Entwicklung eines Messsystems zur dielektrischen Diagnose von 20kV-Mittelspannungskabeln, ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel, VDE-ETG Konferenz, Berlin, 2014
Christian Weindl, Ivana Mladenovic, Thomas Scharrer, Vom Alterungsversuch zur zustandsorientierten Instandhaltung, ew - das magazin für die energiewirtschaft, Ausgabe 12/2013, 2013
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Interpretation Possibilities of the Diagnostic Measurements on Power Cables and their Compatibility, IEEE CEIDP 2013, China, 2013
Mladenovic, Th. Scharrer, Ch. Weindl: Influence of the Electrical and Environmental Test-Conditions on the Characteristic Parameters of Return Voltage Curve, CDEE 2013, Poznan, Czech Republic, 2013
Mladenovic, Th. Scharrer, Ch. Weindl: Effects of MV PILC Cables Ageing Process on the Diagnostic Parameters: p-factor and tanδ, IEEE ICSD 2013, Bologna, Italy, 2013
Freitag, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: An Interpretation Approach for in Field Measured Dissipation Factor Values of MV Cable Lines, IEEE ICSD 2013, Bologna, Italy, 2013
Freitag, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Experiences of in field measured dissipation factor on MV PILC cables at 50 Hz, CIRED 2013, International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013
Mladenovic: Determination of the Remaining Lifetime of Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cables based on the Diagnostics of Partial Discharges and the Dissipation Factor (Bestimmung der Restlebensdauer von Papier-Masse-Kabeln mit Bleimantel auf der Grundlage einer Teilentladungs- und Verlustfaktordiagnostik) Dissertation, Erlangen, 2012
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Freitag, Dipl.-Ing. Ivana Mladenovic, Dr.-Ing. Christian Weindl: Verlustfaktormessung an Mittelspannungskabeln bei Netzfrequenz, VDE-Kongress: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel, Fulda, Deutschland, 2012
Christian Weindl, Dipl.-Ing. Ivana Mladenovic, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Scharrer, Prof. Dr. Rainer Patsch: Analyse des Alterungsverhaltens von MS-Papier-Massekabeln unterschiedlicher Generationen anhand der Rückkehrspannung, VDE-Kongress: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel, Fulda, Deutschland, 2012
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Empiric Approach for Criteria Determination of Remaining Lifetime Estimation of MV PILC Cables, A chapter in Dielectric Material, ISBN 979-953-307-1016-8, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/51490, 2012
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl, Ch. Freitag: Comparison of parametric Partial Discharge and Dissipation Factor Characteristics of MV PILC Cables, 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation (ISEI), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2012
Mladenovic: Performance, Reliability & Remaining lifetime estimation of MV PILC cables, European Electrical Insulation Manufacturers (EEIM) John Neal Award 2012
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Developments in the Diagnostics of MV PILC Cables, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, January/February 2012
Weindl, I. Mladenovic, C. Freitag: Systematische Alterungsuntersuchung an Papier-Masse-Isolierten Mittelspannungskabeln, Netzpraxis – Magazin für Energiever¬sorgung, November 2011
Mladenovic, Th. Scharrer, Ch. Weindl: Alterung und Ästimation des Zustands von Papier-Masse Kabeln in Mittelspannungsnetzen, E&I Magazine, September 2011
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Voltage- and Temperature-Dependencies of the Dissipation Factor of Pre-Aged PILC Cables, Jicable 2011- 8th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables, 19-23 June, Versailles France; 2011
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Dependency of the Dissipation Factor on the Test-Voltage and the Ageing Status of MV PILC Cables, Jicable 2011 - 8th International Conference on Power Insulated Cables, 19-23 June, Versailles France; 2011
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Dependencies of the PD- and tan(δ)-Characteristics on the Temperature and Ageing Status of MV PILC Cables, 2011 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC 2011), 5 8th June, Annapolis, MD USA, 2011
Freitag, C. Weindl, I. Mladenovic: On-Line Cable Diagnostic Possibilities in an Artificial Aging Environment, ICREPQ 2011, 13-15th April, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain, 2011
Mladenovic; Ch. Weindl: Influence of the thermal stress on the diagnostic parameters of PILC cables, IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 2010, CMD 2010, 6-11 September, Tokyo, Japan, 2010
Weindl, I. Mladenovic, Th. Scharrer , R. Patsch: Development of the p-factor in an Accelerated Ageing Experiment of the MV PILC Cables, IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics 2010, ICSD 2010, 4-9 July, Potsdam, Germany, 2010
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Development of the Partial Discharges Inception Voltage for Different Sets of Pre-Aged PILC Cable Samples, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation (ISEI 2010), 6-9 June, San Diego USA, 2010
Freitag, I. Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Fully Automated MV Cable Monitoring and Measurement System for Multi-Sample Acquisition of Artificial Aging Parameters, ICREPQ 2010, 23-25 March, Granada Spain, 2010
Dr.-Ing. Christian Weindl, Dipl.-Ing. Ivana Mladenovic: Bestimmung der Restlebensdauer von Massekabeln anhand einer Teilentladungs- und tan(δ)-Diagnose, Determination of the Rest Life Time of PILC MV-Cables based on a Partial Discharge and tan(δ) Diagnostic, ETG Kongress 2009, Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel, Oktober 27-28, 2009 Düsseldorf (Germany)
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: ICAAS – Integrated System for lasting Accelerated Aging of MV Cables, Data Monitoring and Acquisition, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena 2009, CEIDP 2009, October 18 - 21, 2009, Virginia Beach, USA
Mladenovic, Ch. Weindl: Determination of the Environmental Conditions for the Accelerated Ageing of MV-PILC Cables, 9th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials 2009, ICPADM 2009, July 19-23, 2009, Harbin, China
Mladenovic I., Weindl C.: Empiric Approach to a Condition-Oriented Maintenance and Investment Strategy for MV Cable Networks, International Conference on CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWER - Renewable Energy Resources Impact 2009, ICCEP 2009, June 9-11, 2009, Capri (Italien)
Mladenovic I., Weindl C., Freitag C.: New System for MV-Cable ageing under controlled conditions, Congrès international des Réseaux électriques de Distribution 2009, CIRED 2009, June 8 - 11, 2009, Prague (Tschechia)
Mladenovic I., Weindl C.: Determination of the Characteristic Life Time of Paper-insulated MV-Cables based on a Partial Discharge and tan(δ) Diagnosis, 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2008, September 1 - 3, 2008, Poznan (Poland), 978-1-4244-1742-1/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE